iPhone - skyVario
Step by step configuration
To start using Loctome services with your iOS / iPhone phone should follow the following steps.
Please read them carefully before starting
1.- If you do not have a user Loctome, signed up here::
Register new account
Note that is case-sensitive, for example namelastname and NnameLastname are two different users.

2.- Confirm your account, you will come an email, this can be in the folder unwanted / spam mails. If you do not get an email from Loctome, check these folders.

3.- Download the Loctome compatible App (skyVario)
iOS - via skyVario
4.- In the App Settings-> Live Tracker where:
Enter your username and password created in step 1
Sets the refresh interval with which the information will be sent to - Loctome (in seconds)

5.- You are ready to start sharing your journey with friends and family, follow the steps outlined in the application. From here you do testing and you will surely find many ways to use the service Loctome.